Ep 7 5 – I Can’t Pull That Off

On this week’s episode of the New Glam Gal Podcast, I am talking about a common phrase I hear my glam gals say “I can’t pull that off” or some variation of this phrase.

The problem with this phrase is that it often carries an underlying assumption that certain “kind of women” are born with some inherent ability to wear red lipstick, wear hats, or rock a leather moto jacket. I want you to question that underlying assumption this week.

What if there is no “kind of woman” and there is no inherent red-lipstick gene. There is a willingness to try new things outside of our comfort zones. There is the willingness to cultivate our own sense of style through experience.

You can resign yourself to a life of “I can’t pull that off” or you can be the woman who questions all assumptions and decides for herself whether she even wants to try.

I want my glam gals to consider that they can become the woman who can pull off anything she wants to pull off. It does not matter what the item is or how ostentatious it is.

It is not that you can’t pull it off, it is that you haven’t done it yet. Being a woman who “pulls things off” is merely one who tries. She wasn’t born with special magical abilities to pull off red lipstick or wear hats. Nope.

Through experience, stylish women are able to rock whatever the hell they want to pull off.

So instead of saying “I can’t pull that off.” I want you try on “I haven’t pulled it off yet.”

To listen to this week’s episode, you can check it out on iTunes. If you are ready to become the woman who experiments with pulling off those stylish items, sign up for a free style consult here.



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