EP 73 Holiday Party Recovery Plan

This week’s podcast episode of the New Glam Gal Podcast is all about how to recover from the holidays without beating yourself up. If you over indulged on food or overdrank or just over did it, then this week’s episode is for you. Before you plunge into making new years resolutions and beating yourself up for whatever you did or didn’t do this holiday, I want you to stop. Take a deep breath. And of most import, CALM THE HELL DOWN!

You need a moment to recover first and take care of yourself. The holidays can be hard on your body, your face, and your emotions. We squeeze ourselves into spanx, then eat too much. We pile on the make up, then have a post holiday break out from stress, not washing off our makeup, and eating like crap. We exchanged words with family members that we now regret, but spend way too much time ruminating and not sleeping afterward. So before you plunge into the “should could would” mode, I want you to recover from the holidays.

Here are few tried and true tips to help you recover from a place of self love and not self loathing.

  1. Drink a glass of water. (Chances are you didn’t get enough in over the last few days)
  2. Get some sleep (sneak in a nap if you can)
  3. Take a timeout (hide in the bathroom or go for a drive alone)
  4. Stop beating yourself up for whatever you did during the holidays

If you need help recovering after the holidays, sign up for a coaching session.



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