EP 24 – Pouch, Jiggle, Wiggle


In this week’s episode of the New Glam Gal podcast we discuss the dance craze called the pouch, jiggle wiggle. It describes the phenomena of when women gather together they tend to go into negative self talk mode. It is as if, women are expected to belittle themselves in order to conform to the social expectations of the women around them.

This holiday season, I want you to decline the invitation to belittle and nit-pick yourself as a way to maintain friendships or create a feeling of belonging. Your lady badge doesn’t come from talking about your weight, pinching your stomach pouch, jiggling your arm fat, or wiggling your butt. The pouch, jiggle, wiggle dance is old fashioned outmoded and simply not for you anymore. This week we talk about:

  • -What the pouch, jiggle, wiggle dance is
  • -Why you should decline to continue this dance craze
  • -How you don’t have to belittle yourself to gain a sense of belonging
  • -Why you can never change what people say or think about you and vice versa
  • -How you can always choose to be “that woman” in the room who imbues other with confidence and redirects the conversation

Ready to learn how to become that woman?

Sign up for a free style session and learn a new way of showing up in the world that doesn’t involve a pouch, jiggle, or a wiggle.

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Links from the Show:

  1. Fabulous Dinner Party Playlist
  2. Rudolph Mambo



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